Keller Williams Northern Colorado - Ricardo Garcia

Exploring Northern Colorado: Exciting Activities in February and March 2024

As winter begins to wane and spring’s whispers beckon, Northern Colorado is alive with a plethora of activities to indulge in during February and March 2024. Whether you’re a local resident or visiting the region, there’s something for everyone to enjoy amidst the stunning landscapes and vibrant communities.

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Famous Loveland LOVE Sign


  • Winter Festivals: Embrace the winter spirit by attending various winter festivals across the region[1].
  • Valentine’s Day Celebrations: Experience unique Valentine’s Day celebrations in Denver and Fort Collins, including special dining experiences and events[1].
  • Mardi Gras Mountain-Style: Participate in Mardi Gras celebrations with a mountain twist, featuring lively parades and festivities[1].
  • Mind Blown Telluride: A mesmerizing festival offering mind-bending performances and artistic showcases, held in Telluride[1].
  • Valentine-Themed Candlelit Tours of The 1879 Avery House: Experience a romantic candlelit tour of The 1879 Avery House, perfect for Valentine’s Day[3].
  • Loveland Sweetheart Festival: Share romantic moments at this enchanting festival running from late November 2023 through March 2024[1].


  • Local Concerts and Performances: Enjoy live music and theatrical performances at various venues in both Denver and Fort Collins[2].
  • Boulder International Film Fest: Film enthusiasts can enjoy captivating movies from around the world at the Boulder International Film Fest[1].
  • Monte Vista Crane Festival: Witness the breathtaking sight of thousands of cranes during their migration at the Monte Vista Crane Festival[1].
  • Frozen Dead Guy Days: Experience the quirky charm of this festival in March, featuring unique events in Nederland[1].

With a vibrant mix of cultural, recreational, and community-oriented events, the region between Denver and Fort Collins promises an exciting and enriching experience for visitors and residents alike.

  1. Uncover Colorado
  2. Fort Collins Events | Festivals, Concerts & Art Galleries
  3. Candlelit tours of the Avery House